How to choose a generator

Generators: If you live in a remote area or need to be sure that your power is available at all time, then a generator is a must have equipment.

Generators are powered by different fuels, and some generators accept more than one fuel to transform the energy into electricity: diesel generator, Gas generator, Propane generator and LPG generators. The more different fuels your generator will accept, the higher is your independence from one single fuel source.

Electric generators are used everywhere. Some are mounted fix, in power plants or as stand-by generators in buildings, others are movable generators or even portable generators that can be brought where they are needed.

Generators are used for many different purposes, and depending on the energy that is needed, they can be small and portable (portable generator) or very large and heavy (diesel generator). The quantity of electic power that is generated differs too: 2 Mega Watt generator units (industrial generator) built for customers who need heavy-duty industrial main electricity, such as factories, large web server locations, hospitals etc. Small and light standby generator are offered for users who are interested in a standby or backup electrical generator for their homes to keep the freezer and fridge going and to assure lighting and radio and TV.


In areas, that are not connected to the public power grid, cabins, homes and other facilities who need to generate their own power have to rely on generatos as well. Also for agricultiral machinery in the field, generators are used, these are mostly diesel generators or propane generators. Last but not least, generators are kept ready for large emergencies where the public power grid has failed. Mobile, vehicle mounted diesel generators (nearly allready generator plants) are fast put into operation and can restore emergency power in a matter of hours or days.

Choosing Your Generator - The Questions To Ask:

The information about generators and this guide how to decide which generator is best suited to your needs are for your use. Should you have a suggestion how we can add or improve to this website and generator guides, let us know. We are allways looking for feedback and further tips and information.

Installation of a generator - Please read: Installation of a generator requires expert assistance and you absolutely have to follow the local codes and regulations. Electricity can be very dangerous! We recommend that you have a contractor do your installation.

Generator Check List - Questions To Ask Before You Buy

Which Generator Type: Stand-By Generator or Prime Generator

A prime power generator is required in case that you have no other source of power. This is mostly the case in remote areas that are not connected to the public power net.

A stand-by generator can be needed as a backup to normal utility power, either because the public power grid does not provide power on a regular basis or is prone to interruptions, or because your have specific power needs that can not be interrupted. In the latter case, you may also need to add a battery power storage system that will take over between the time between a power outage occurs and the time the stand-by generator delivers energy again.

read on: Generator Types and Generator Features





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